This is a simple hit counter for your web page.
It is run from a server-side include (SSI).
This version is written in Perl. There is also a
On an Apache server you put something like this in your page:
<!--#include virtual="/bw-counter/" -->
The result should look something like this:
You will need to create a file for the count, and make sure the web server
has read and write permission for that file (i.e., chmod 666 filename
on a Unix system). The full path to that file should go in the $count_file
variable near the top of the script.
Here is the source code for Copy/paste this code into your
text editor, and make sure that the line
is the first line in the file.
# by Bill Weinman <>
# Copyright (c) 1995-2010 The BearHeart Group, LLC
# updated 2010-02-02
# A simple incremental counter for a web page. (perl version)
# The author grants permission to use and modify this program as you like.
# All other rights and ownership are reserved by the author.
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use Fcntl ':flock';
my $count_file = "/full/path/to/count";
sub main
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my $count = readfile($count_file);
chomp $count;
print comma($count);
writefile( $count_file, "$count\n" );
sub error
my $e = shift;
print "$e\n";
# commas for thousands separators
sub comma
my $number = shift;
$number += 0; # make sure it's a number;
while ( $number =~ s/ ( .*\d ) ( \d \d \d ) /$1,$2/xg ) { }
return $number;
sub readfile
my $filename = shift or return;
my $f = new IO::File("<$filename");
error("cannot open $filename ($!)") unless $f;
my $string = join( '', <$f> );
return $string;
sub writefile
my $filename = shift or return;
my $data = shift || '';
my $f = new IO::File(">$filename");
error("cannot write $filename ($!)") unless $f;
flock( $f, LOCK_EX );
flock( $f, LOCK_UN );